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December 13, 2009

My Wish List 2009

Dear Santa,
        How are you and Mrs. Claus?  I hope you have had a good year.  This year I have been very NICE.  If the internet poll disagrees it's because the internet is corrupt.  In fact it has corrupted my computer, which is why I'm so late at sending you my list.  Thank you for last year's wonderful Christmas morning.  I enjoyed the presents and your correlated music selections very much!  I've decided to send you my Christmas list via blog this year because I know you are so HIP! 

        I considered asking for snow this year and nothing else...but now that I've shoveled the drive thrice this season, I've come up with just a few other great gift ideas:

Susan's Wish List 2009
  • My Pictures Developed - I will send you CDs again...just as soon as my computer is fixed.
  • My Computer Fixed
  • Blank CDs
  • Cloths
  • Laser Hair Removal - OR - A Year Supply of Razors
  • Pay Off My G6 (4,000 USD)
  • Shh... A Bunny (said in my whisper voice so my mom and dad won't hear) 
  • A Caving Head Lamp
  • A gift we could enjoy together... Halo: Combat Evolved - For a demonstration of how you too would enjoy this check this action out!
  • Construction Paper
  • $pendy Hair Care, Elastics and Bobby Pins.
  • A Flat Iron - This does not refer to a tire iron; it is a hair styler.
  • A Phone Upgrade
  • House - Either an actual house or House: Season 4 will do.
  • Kissing Insurance: Gum and Chapstick (I promise I will be nice not naughty)
  • Soothing Eye Gel
  • Pajamas
  • The Following Mary Kay Items (my sister is the best consultant): Eye Primer, Foundation (Ivory 100) and Eyeliner (Deep Brown and/or Black)
  • A certain item fixed - click here for a subtle clue.
  • A Hiking Bladder
  • Journal Pens - a color for every day of the week.
  • Perfume - Bath and Body Works Sensual Amber, Warm Vanilla Sugar or Sweet Pea.
  • A New Finger Nail Kit (clippers, file and cuticle remover)
  • Crayola Classic Color Markers
  • Neutrogena Facial Cleanser (Redness Soothing)
  • Little Trees Air Fresheners - Watermelon
        Like I said, just a few other gift ideas.  I hope you have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.  Bundle up, it's cold out there. 

With Love,
        Susan Irwin

        P.S.  I was going to make you cookies myself this year but my mom used my 16 USD cookie dough.  Reguardless, I promise whatever I leave out Christmas Eve will be delicious. 

1 comment:

  1. you´re cute, i miss that... merry christmas and happy new year
